Sunday, June 29, 2008

episodes not epileptic; atypical migraine with autonomic features could be considered

The above title is an excerpt from the final hospital report, which confirms that no seizure activity was seen during the hospital stay. There are still a few tests filtering back in but the tests looking for evidence of a carcinoid continue to be normal. During the vodka-induced spell, blood tests show high levels of hormones - the big question is why they are high.? Given the continued normal results for a carcinoid, looking further in the thymus just doesn't seem to be wise at this point.

We'll be following up on the headaches with a doctor at the Diamond Headache Clinic here in Chicago. Shawn has an appointment on July 28. In the meantime, he's going off as much medication as possible, down to one blood pressure medicine and the migraine medication. Blood pressure readings continue to be normal, even when he's feeling bad, which is very encouraging.

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