Tuesday, June 8, 2010


When we lived in England, one of my favorite memories was after having broken my leg, sitting on my couch and listening to Shawn play guitar and sing.

Now here I am again, broken foot this time.  But even so, I'm sitting here listening to Shawn play piano and sing.  And it occurs to me that as much of a physical and logistic pain the next few weeks will be, right this moment I am happy.

Sent from my iPhone :-)

just a little added excitement

Tomorrow Shawn and I leave for a three part trip.  First, Atlanta - me to stay with my friend, Shawn to attend a conference,  followed by a trip to NY to see a doctor, then to the Jersey short to spend time with my family.

So I figured I'd make the trip a little more exciting by first breaking my foot.  I have a non-weight bearing cast and crutches.  The non-weight bearing part means I get to build up my arm muscles, while simultaneously losing muscle in my left leg.

Never a boring moment.