Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thank You, President Obama

As someone who has experienced first hand the issues that surround insurance of dependents who are not full time students, let me tell you this is HUGE.  We had a brief glimpse of this last year, when IL passed a law requiring insurance policies to insure all dependents under 26, but there were a few loopholes - one for self-insured companies (which IBM was) and a second one for policies written outside of the state of IL (which my new company's insurance policy is).  But now the law is a national one and I can once again insure Shawn without having to worry about how many hours of classes he feels he can handle. (Which has not been full time since his first semester of college.) 

I was working earlier and didn't watch the signing, but I just read Obama's speech.  I have to admit I cried.  I also became a co-signer of the bill - which you can do too by clicking here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlie and I were priviledged to hear President Obama speak last Friday about the health care history. That last bit about being able to keep your kids on your policy was the biggest thing that we also noticed. I am SO happy that you can directly benefit from this.

Miss you girl!