Thursday, July 23, 2009

30 hours in Chicago

Shawn's latest visit to Chicago is now over. He arrived yesterday morning at 8:45an and left today at 12:45pm - a total of 30 hours. Nothing like having a long leisurley visit! (Although we did manage to have a most enjoyable dinner with some friends last night, so we did at least get in a little bit of quality time. Barb and Jerry - thanks for an incredible meal!)

Yesterday he saw the doctor from the U of C hypertension clinic, who has changed around his blood pressure medication - changed the patch to a pill form of Clonidine at a higer dose; raised the dose of Bystolic, and swapped the three other meds to three new ones. He'll be monoriting the effects of these changes in the next few weeks and will be seeing Shawn again in a month.

This morning he had a pulmonary function test, will be talking to the pulmonologist once he gets the results of that test.

And Zeke got a brief glimpse of Shawn as well! He's looking around the house tonight trying to figure out why he's not still here. Oh, wait, that's what I'M doing...!

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