Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Updates

Well a lot has happened the past few days. Before I left Chicago, my Endocrinologist at Northwestern ordered a blood test he had read about called a Neuron Specific Enolase test which is a hormone that is secreted in neuroblastoma cancer, small cell lung cancer, carcinoid cancer and a few others. The test came back last week elevated (normal being between 3-8 mine being 25). This positive test result is huge in narrowing down what has been going on. My doctor has been emailing and calling numerous doctors and is presenting my case tomorrow at Endocrine Grand Rounds at Northwestern University Medical School. At this point, he has been in contact with my Endocrinologist at University of Chicago who strongly think that it's a neuroendocrine cancer similar to Carcinoid called Neuroblastoma as Carcinoids usually cause low blood pressure and Neuroblastomas cause high blood pressure. He's trying to figure out a list of tests that need to be done to find exactly where these things are but at this point, we are getting closer to diagnosis and treatment.

In a million years on my 18th birthday smoking my celebratory cigar, I could never have pictured the trials and tribulations my family and friends and I would have to go through in the coming years. More over, I never would have expected to be relieved by positive test results especially ones that are major red flag tests for cancer. However, I'm here now and this is the reality and I'm just hoping to be able to start whatever treatments I have to do soon.

Also, these past few weeks have had some positive events too. About a week ago, I was called by a major LA producer who officially wants to buy my song Ridin' On The Rim for Heartsfield's upcoming Major Release. Life holds many surprises which we have learned quite well recently.


Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Congrats on someone wanting to buy your song! That's really impressive.

You have such a positive attitude. Keep your head up and continue to believe. You have amazing things in your future.

Tricia said...

Congratulations on the song! That's fantastic!

I hope you get some definitive answers about your health issues very soon. It's hard to fight an unknown enemy.

Here's a good quote from Mahatma Gandhi:
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

And here's one from Dolly Parton:
“Storms make trees take deeper roots.”

Hang in there.