Thursday, May 15, 2008

Next Steps

The cardiologist wants to do two tests - a stress echo next Wednesday, and an EEG (not yet scheduled). Possibly we'll also be trying to provoke a spell (with alcohol) before the EEG to see what happens during the spell.

The endocrinologist fears that Shawn's liver is enlarged, he took some blood so hopefully will know more about that soon.

More shuffling around of medications, also about to go back on the low tryptophan diet.

Both doctors seem concerned about the severity of marks on Shawn's hips and legs - look like stretch marks but have gotten MUCH more pronounced then they used to be. The cardiologist said his initial impression was that it looks like Cushing's. I believe the endocrinologist at the Mayo said so as well but then followed that with "the test for that was negative so I wouldn't worry about it."

We'll be talking more with Shawn's doctor in the next few days, most likely once he gets the blood results back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just want you to know we're thinking of you and hoping some answers and solutions turn up soon. Love, Susan and Tim