Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My doctor at the health center is calling my neuromuscular doctor and a few other doctors to try and see what we can do from here.
Monday, November 9, 2009
New Developments - post from shawn
Unfortunately, for some reason on Friday I started having problems breathing while I was lying down and my weakness progressed dramatically. I went to the IU health center today. After running an ECG (EKG), there was a new red flag, something called atrioventricular block which is a problem with the conduction between the atria and ventricles of the heart. The assumption is that I may have something called cardiomyopathy which is secondary to whatever the underlying disease is.
At this point, I have an echocardiogram on Wednesday morning and I am supposed to stay away from campus for a few more weeks. Other than that, we're going to go see the Endocrinologist at U of C and see where we go from here.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
a rant about voice menus
Friday, October 16, 2009
another doctor, more tests on the way
So Shawn will touch base with him early next week to find out what's next and report on what effect increasing the medication has.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Myasthenia Gravis
So far, my breathing has become easier and I can take deep breaths without feeling like I have weights on my chest. My walking has gotten a little better but not much. The neurologist's office said they didn't expect me to get completely better, they were just hoping for minor improvement.
They'll keep me on the current dose for a week and then increase the dosage and maybe add a few different medicines. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of the end to some of this diagnostic nightmare. I'll post more as I know.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thank you IBM. (and an even bigger thanks to Alison who was a huge help in navigating this particular issue.)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
sleep study, insurance woes
Looks like it's going to be a fun night.
He's been told it may take a few weeks to get results. Where have we heard that before?
And while Obama tries to get some sort of Health Care bill passed, we're having our own horror story of health insurance worries...
I can't tell you how wonderful it was to not have to worry about full-time student status under my company's new health care policy, which started on June 1. This change was instituted in anticipation of the new Illinois state law which would have required it by the end of the year. And it was such a HUGE relief from the previous year when we spent so much time worrying about how he'd be able to continue to be full time after missing so much class because of hospital visits. This state law was just incredible for us. No more worrying about how many classes he had to enroll in for the rest of his college career - he could take some classes online (which count toward graduation but not toward student status).
But now my company is being bought by IBM, which is exempt from the IL state law because they are self-insured. IBM's policy requires full-time status after the age of 19. And Shawn is a) 20 and b) not a full time student this semester, because he wasn't going to need to be anymore.
I'm choosing not to panic just yet. There is a clause in the IBM policy dealing with exceptions for illness, and their HR is 'looking into' it. Surely this will all work out.
Meanwhile it's all happening SOON. The current timeline will have us on IBM's benefits by November 1. So I wait with bated breath (but not panicking, I'm not going to panic, it's all going to work out. No panicking here. Maybe a little stress, but no panic. Not sleeping so well, come to think of it, but no, not going to panic. Not just yet, anyway.)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
waiting for results...
Yesterday he saw his U of C hypertension doctor, who is keeping him on the current cocktail of blood pressure medicines, with instructions to keep monitoring it and let him know if there are any changes. For now, the spikes remain in the 160 range, much much better than 240!
Meanwhile, we are buying a condo in Bloomington for Shawn to live in for the next few years. It's a two bedroom place which will make it much easier for us to come down and stay with him. In the last few days we had the inspection on the condo, Shawn found someone to sublet his current apartment, and we moved all his stuff into a storage locker. As always, the amount of stuff to move grew as we started packing it and the estimate of how long it would take kept increasing throughout the day. (Perhaps that trip when we were all the way across town before Shawn called to tell us we forgot to get the KEY didn't help... but that was just one of many trips!)
Now it's all moved, Shawn's staying in the basement apartment of one of his very generous friends from his support group, and we close sometime next month.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Waiting for the train
certainly looks like he's waiting for a train!
Monday, August 17, 2009
New doctor, more tests
MRI is scheduled for next Tuesday, and he sees his doctor in Chicago on Wednesday. We are on our way back to Chicago now. We will drive back down next Monday, then bring Shawn back to Chicago after his MRI on Tuesday. And then he'll fly back to Bloomington after Wednesday's Chicago appointment.
I think my car knows the way between Chicago and Bloomington on it's own now.
Sent from my iPhone :-)
Funny sight, or maybe a little sad
Perhaps they were working up the courage to go in? Or maybe acting as a picket line to discourage others from entering?
I would have taken a photo but somehow I think they might have been offended.
Friday, August 14, 2009
a new blog
Saturday, August 8, 2009
a week of phone calls
Thursday, July 30, 2009
pulmonary function - moderate to severe neuromuscular weakness
does anybody really know what time it is?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
30 hours in Chicago
Shawn's latest visit to Chicago is now over. He arrived yesterday morning at 8:45an and left today at 12:45pm - a total of 30 hours. Nothing like having a long leisurley visit! (Although we did manage to have a most enjoyable dinner with some friends last night, so we did at least get in a little bit of quality time. Barb and Jerry - thanks for an incredible meal!)
Yesterday he saw the doctor from the U of C hypertension clinic, who has changed around his blood pressure medication - changed the patch to a pill form of Clonidine at a higer dose; raised the dose of Bystolic, and swapped the three other meds to three new ones. He'll be monoriting the effects of these changes in the next few weeks and will be seeing Shawn again in a month.
This morning he had a pulmonary function test, will be talking to the pulmonologist once he gets the results of that test.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Surgeon report good; new round of doctor visits next week
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
and a full moon to end the day
Sunset at the Jersey Shore
Friday, July 3, 2009
ER this morning, Ribfest tonight!
Friday, June 26, 2009
A, A, B, C, D...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
more meds - and some good news!
Besides the medicine switch, his doctor is contacting three other docters in the US who are doing research on damage to the sympathetic nervous system, which might be the cause of all this. The tests needed to determine that are only available in these three places.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

Friday, May 8, 2009
Where We Are
Where we are now is in a state of disappointment and frustration. While the idea of a tumor seems scarier, the truth is that it's not. Tumors are readily curable while at this point, the other disorders we're looking at are more treatable instead of curable. NSE can be elevated with certain cancers, diseases that are doing vascular damage and diseases that cause brain damage.
The next test they need to run is only offered at the Mayo Clinic, University of Toledo and somewhere else. Therefore, we're waiting to here when and where we're going for that. So while the lack of anything notable on the scans is frustrating, at least we still have some direction with the NSE elevation. We'll post more as soon as we know what's next.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sorry -t(e)razosin and dibenz(y)line----but you are doing good for an amateur-----Dad
I still maintain that I know how to pronounce them all. :-)
And I like the observation from Jeff - I may know things I don't want or care to know, but at the moment we still don't know much about that which we care very much about.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Knowledge I never asked for
- "Big A, little a, what begins with A? Aunt Annie's Alligator, A, A, A."
- "I would not, could not, in a box. I could not, would not, with a fox. I will not eat them with a mouse, I will not eat them in a house. I will not eat them here or there. I will not eat them anywhere. I do not eat green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am."
- "And here's a new trick, Mr. Fox. Socks on chicks and chicks on fox. Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks. Bricks and blocks on Knox on box!"
- and my favorite from Fox on Sox: "Through three cheese trees, three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees' cheese freeze. And that's what made these three free fleas sneeze" (Oh, I so loved to read that out loud. Shawn used to be giggling by the end.)
- phenoxybenzamine = dibenzaline
- neurontin = gabepentin
- furosemide = lasix
- hytrin = tarazosin
- cyproheptadine = periactin
- metoporolol = lopressor
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
PET scan tomorrow
MRI part 2
Sent from my iPhone :-)
Cloudy sky this morning
They just took Shawn back for his MRI. We are supposed to get preliminary results later today, as it will determine whether or not he'll be back tomorrow for a different scan.
After this, we go back to a different building for an ultrasound, then to the lab for blood tests.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
spring is really on its way

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
More tests next Tuesday - April 28
Thursday, April 16, 2009
small pleasures - what makes me smile :-)
The last post was about mountaintop moments. That got me thinking more about all the smaller moments. Here are some of the smaller things that I enjoy:
- A call from Shawn. On my iPhone, the photo I have of him is one I took right after he got his acceptance letter from IU. Every time he calls, I see his smiling face and remember how excited he was when he received that.
- The smell of spring - especially the hyacinths and lilacs...I have hyacinths starting to bloom in my yard now, and the lilacs have buds on them.
- Sunrises and sunsets. A few times in the last month, I've been driving somewhere facing east right at sunset - and the reflection of the sunset in the buildings downtown, especially the Sears Tower, has been incredible. I have tried a few times to get a photo of this but never was in exactly the right place with my camera. I'll have to keep trying.
- Taking photos - there is something so rewarding about capturing a really beautiful scene - the process of taking the photo actually allows me to see it more fully and appreciate it more. And then there's the lasting memory it creates...
- The smell of lavendar - it's right up there with hyacinth and lilac in my list of favorite smells. I've tried growing lavendar a few times in my garden but it never seems to take; too much shade in my yard once the trees bloom. I put lavendar sachets in my dryer and love the way it makes my clothes smell. (I get them at Trader Joes)
- Trader Joes! I used to drive to Hinsdale to shop there and am so happy that they now have a store in Oak Park. They have such a great variety of products, and such reasonable prices.
- My dog Zeke. I love sitting on the couch or my purple chair and having him curl up on my lap. I also don't mind walking him when the weather is nice. I'm not a big fan of his bark when I leave the house though.
- Books - and of course, what am I doing on the couch or chair? I'm reading a book. Although I have to admit the number of books I've read has greatly declined these last few years; it's been much harder to focus. I suppose I've compensated for that by writing more - which is what I'm doing right now. And by reading more about various neuroendocrine tumors. I should definitely go back to reading fiction, the medical world is too scary a place.
- OK, I'll admit it. I am a geek. My computer makes me happy. Not my work computer, but my home computer - the 24" iMac that I'm using right now. A few years ago a screen this big would have been outrageously expensive and yet this computer costs less than the computer I bought five years ago.
Monday, April 6, 2009
mountaintop moments
- the moment I learned that I was pregnant - at 3 am when I woke to go to the bathroom and thought this must be the first pee of the morning so I should take the pregnancy test now
- the moment of Shawn's birth. Certainly not the moments leading up to it, but that second that he was born and I learned that love at first sight was indeed possible and very powerful
- the years when Shawn was young, hanging out on the sidewalk with the neighbors and watching him play with the other kids, especially this time of year when the weather started getting nice and everyone came out to play.
- walking him to school in the mornings, and having him come home from grade school for lunch on days when I worked at home
- moments from my own childhood: playing in my own neighborhood until after dark; playing flashlight tag with my cousins at my grandparent's house in WV; hanging out at the beach with my other cousins at my grandparent's house in NJ
- Falling asleep on the beach in NJ with the waves in the background, the sun shining down on me, the incredibly soft white sand beneath me.
- the first time I went water skiing - that incredible feeling when it WORKED and I was up on the skis
- jumping out of an airplane when the parachute also WORKED and I realized I really did that
- So many moments of downhill skiing - the first real run when I finally figured out how everything in the lessons came together and it was a little like magic how I flew effortlessly down the mountain when just a moment before I was working so hard and nothing was right.
- that time skiing at Sunshine in Canada, the day when the clouds were low and we were quite literally skiing through them- I remember feeling like we were skiing in heaven.
- The views from the alps - even the run right BEFORE the one in which I fell and broke my leg at Chamonix. Not that last run though; that's one of those moments I wish I could roll back and do just a little differently!
- So many great moments in so many great countries - watching the sun rise over Jerusalem from Kibbutz Tzuba; lying on the bricks in Sienna with the sun shining down on us; sitting and drinking wine in Venice waiting out a pouring rain; wandering around in a garden in Japan; climbing the steep hill in Edinburg while still on crutches, eating tapas in Barcelona, riding bikes in Amsterdam, dinners at the town square in Prague... I could go on and on and on...
- And the moments I chose to write about - listening to Shawn play music - any of the thousands of times from when he was very small to last night when I heard an early recording of the latest song he is working on. In fact, my best memories of our life in England was right after I broke my leg, all the times I'd sit on the couch in our flat and listen to him play. That stands out above all the rest of the trip as my favorite memories of our life in the UK. Other musical moments: Listening to him perform his first impromptu public concert on the piano at a museum when he was six, all the hours in the recording studio, his performances in Nashville...he and Zak playing in our hotel in Israel, playing in our hotel in Nashville, playing at writer's night... playing in our living room while I sit on the purple chair and Zeke sits at his feet.
An eventful week
Back in Bloomington for the week
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
New Updates
In a million years on my 18th birthday smoking my celebratory cigar, I could never have pictured the trials and tribulations my family and friends and I would have to go through in the coming years. More over, I never would have expected to be relieved by positive test results especially ones that are major red flag tests for cancer. However, I'm here now and this is the reality and I'm just hoping to be able to start whatever treatments I have to do soon.
Also, these past few weeks have had some positive events too. About a week ago, I was called by a major LA producer who officially wants to buy my song Ridin' On The Rim for Heartsfield's upcoming Major Release. Life holds many surprises which we have learned quite well recently.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
An early drive back to Bloomington
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Do No Harm - Post from Shawn
We're going to Northwestern today for a few more exotic blood tests and then I'm going to get ready to go back to IU very early Sunday morning. One of these days, there will be good news to put up here.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Taking a walk!
Tomorrow maybe a full block as long as the weather holds up...
Friday, March 13, 2009
thymic hyperplasia, no sign of a carcinoid
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A boy and his dog
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Wind is the Wonder Drug
back in our own beds, so much more comfortable than the hospital.
Rocky in that Shawn's temperature continues to dance around between
100 and 101. Briefly near 102 last night but no higher than 101 today.
The doctor said that the best guess at this point is still the lungs,
and to continue with the deep breathing exercises. Wind is the wonder
drug; he just needs to keep forcing it in his body.
We're all also suffering a little from sleep deprivation I think. It
took an awful long time last night to figure out all the meds he's on;
finally I got it all down on a spreadsheet so we could make sure he
got the right pills at the right times!
Last night I think he slept 6 consecutive hours which is about the
longest any of us have had since last week before the surgery.
He's napping now which means I should be as well.
Sent from my iPhone :-)
Monday, March 9, 2009
On the way home!
roads. And Shawn is now sound asleep.
Going home today!
one more set of vitals and a few more visits left first, but then we
are OUT of here!!!
Sent from my iPhone :-)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
L o n g walk
not going home today
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hans & Cathy for the flowers (and balloon), Lori, Greg, Henry and Sam
for the monkey (and big balloon!). Also Karen's photos of Shawn and
Arie are helping to keep Arie here in the room with Shawn even while
she is in Indiana.
And thanks to all of you who have been sending us your healing
thoughts through your calls and emails and text messages and emails
and blog posts and facebook posts!!! We are truly blessed to have
each and every one of you in our lives. I don't know how we would get
through this without you.
Friday, March 6, 2009
can see Shawn getting a breathing treatment.
walk and breathe
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Fun and games
wakes up for brief amounts of time and then slips back to sleep.
He has to take 10 deep breathes an hour on this fun contraption. The
little blue arrow at the bottom shows how far he can move it, just
below 500 so far.
The nurse said we're going to have him up and walking later tonight.
Surgery FINISHED! :-)
Happy drugs
before the drugs, obviously in anticipation of them though.
Take my thymus please
Shawn is anxious to get this show on the road so he can get his happy drugs!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
a heart stopping moment
Finally she says "I have a son with the same name and almost the same age - and I live a block away from you in Oak Park!"
Once I peeled myself off the walls and started breathing again, we continued the call. She's only lived there about a year so I don't think the two Shawns know each other, but it certainly is a small small world.
Friday, February 27, 2009
End of a long day
going to let him come help out after the surgery though.
ready for surgery
Today we were at U of C at 8:00 am for a chest x-ray; slight confusion over where to go and when we got to the right place another confusion over the order. All was straightened out quickly though, and everyone was very helpful and nice. Shawn liked the x-ray itself, over in a second rather than the hour and a half scans he's had recently!
After the x-ray, up to see the surgeon who talked more about what to expect. The surgery will take place sometime around 10am, we need to be at the hospital at 7:30. Surgery itself should take about 2 hours. We'll have the results from the biopsy of the thymus about a week later.
There are some private rooms and some 2-patient rooms, we won't know which he gets till he's ready for a room. (We can request a private room for $139 more a night, minimum fee of two nights. But even then it's not certain whether we'd get one. I think we'll take the luck of the draw and hope for the best.)
After the surgeon, we went to see the anesthesiologist. Shawn will most likely have an epidural to help manage pain post-surgery. They also talked about having an arterial line in during the surgery to continuously monitor blood pressure. Spent a lot of time going through his medical history, drugs he's on, etc. Then they took blood (Shawn gave a high rating to the nurse taking blood; didn't hurt and didn't leave a bruise!). Finally we were on our way. All in all, we were at U of C from 8-12.
We had lunch at Medici (Shawn and I both had calzone, very garlicky and very good! Dave had a burger). Shawn fell asleep in the car on the way home. We stopped to pick up a prescription at CVS and then Shawn went to meet a friend for coffee at Starbuck, which is where he is right now.
He goes back to school tomorrow. On Monday he's going to drop all but one of his classes and we'll go on COBRA since he'll no longer be a full-time student. But it may possibly only be for a few months. At the end of this year, a law called Michele's Law will go into effect. This law was first passed in New Hampshire in 2006; in October of 2008 it became a national law. The law prohibits insurance companies from dropping students from their parent's insurance policies for lack of full-time student status due to medical issues. My company is actually considering instituting the law in June. If that goes through, we'll only be on COBRA for two months - April and May. That will be awesome if it happens, but even without it he may be able to qualify for full-time student status again in June anyway; if all goes well he's hoping to take classes this summer.
He flies back into Midway on Wednesday afternoon; hopefully not in the middle of a rainstorm or a snowstorm. At the moment the weather forecast is for temperatures in the 40s and no precipitation, so all is looking good.
Less than a week before the surgery. One huge step in Shawn's journey...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Results back - no pheo
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Scan is done
Well today was a MUCH nicer day - not raining and the sun is making a valiant effort at showing itself. Much easier drive as well; we left the house at 7:36 and were at the hospital at 8:06! A very easy drive when there's no traffic. We even had time to stop at Panera before his 8:30 appointment.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Surgery scheduled for March 5
Grey gloomy morning
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Happy 20th Birthday Shawn

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Nuclear Scan, Thoracic Surgeon Appointment
- Tuesday night - fly to Chicago
- Wednesday
- 9:00am be at U of C for injection,
- 1:00 first scan. Scan lasts exactly 1 1/2 hours
- 2:30 meet with thoracic surgeon. (Yes, cutting it a tiny bit close there, but the surgeon's office knows that he's in the scan until 2:30. We'll call them when we're on the way up)
- 9:00am be at U of C for injection,
- Thursday - second scan (not sure what time yet)
- Thursday night - back to IU
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
cold morning
I'd have stayed to look at it longer, except that did I mention it was COLD? And I have to take my hand out of a glove to take the picture.
Updates from Shawn
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Dave and Busters
Thursday, January 29, 2009
pretty pills

This is the type of conversation most of you will never have with your child. While we're in the car, Shawn remarked, "You know, my new pills are pretty - a nice shade of red. I think alpha blockers are much prettier than beta blockers, beta blockers are so boring. Actually, calcium channel blockers are pretty too, but not the beta blockers."
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
the search for a carcinoid is back on
Friday, January 23, 2009
Choosing Hope Over Fear
I can't control much of what's going on with Shawn's illness. As we go from test to test which reveal little and symptom to symptom which get progressively scarier, some days it seems that fear is all there is.
Last week, Shawn was supposed to come back home and have a new CT scan performed at the University of Chicago. Unfortunately, his plane was first delayed and then cancelled. He ended up going back to Bloomington and he rescheduled the scan for next week. So next week he'll be in town from Tuesday-Friday and in that time he'll have the CT scan, an appointment with the new endocrinologist, and an appointment with his neurologist.
I'm choosing to look towards next week with hope instead of fear. And I'm sure I'll be reminding myself of that many times between now and then.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009
So where are we? Still trying to control symptoms and still looking for a diagnosis. At the end of this month, on January 28, he has an appointment with an endocrinologist at the U of C who specializes in complicated cases of hypertension.
Here's hoping that 2009 will be a much happier and HEALTHIER year for Shawn. Also a very happy and healthy new year to all of you reading this.