Here's what Shawn looked like 20 years ago today. He's grown a little since then. Shawn was born 6 weeks early at 6:46 pm on Feb 7. He weighed 4 lbs, 15 1/2 oz (2260 grams). I only saw him for a few seconds before they whisked him away to the NICU. My second sight of him was a few hours later - he had tubes in his nose to help him breathe. And his little tiny hands were on either side of the tubes, as if to pull them out. I took one look at him and knew he was a fighter and he'd be just fine.
He's still a fighter and he's still going to be just fine - this fight might be take a little longer but it is going to be just as successful.
Awww. That picture is precious. He had a lot of hair!
With you as his mother, he will have all the support he needs to get through this. I know he realizes how lucky he is to have you.
Happy Birthday Shawn!
Shawn is not the only fighter in your family!!!!! I'm thinking of u guys &yes I Love my new toy!!!!!!
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