Monday, April 7, 2008

Sometimes Inconclusive is just exactly that...

Turns out in this case, there was no assessment of normal vs. abnormal cells, just too sparse of a sample to see anything. We knew going in that a biopsy of this area was going to be tricky and it was.

SO what's next? For the rest of this month, we'll be changing around the medication that Shawn's taking; first increasing the dosage of cyproheptadine (the seretonin inhibiter) and then switching the blood pressure medication. This has to be done gradually but so far the increase seems to working.

Once school is over, the plan is to stop the seretonin inhibiter altogether for two weeks, back on the special diet and then repeat the blood/urine study. I don't anticipate these being very fun weeks as he will most likely start feeling lots worse without the medicine. Which is why we're waiting till he's back in Chicago closer to his doctor.

From there we'll assess whether to do the more invasive biopsy.

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