Thursday, November 4, 2010

new path in this complicated journey

I think the title of this blog is pretty accurate - this has indeed been a journey.  A complicated, twisted one - the path curves around this way and that, sometimes crossing itself and going backwards, so that you are never quite sure what is around the next curve.

A few months ago, Shawn noticed some places that feel like bone growths - hard pebbly like structures that you can see and feel - at various spots on his body.  One on the back of his skull, one on his ankle, a few on his chest bone.  Xrays showed nothing unusual.  This week he had a bone scan, which will light up areas of abnormal bone metabolism.  The scan lit up in two places - the chest, which makes sense since he feels something there, and his right hand.  We aren't sure what to make of this, he's never had any pain in the hand, never seen or felt anything there.  Also not sure what this means for the other two spots that didn't show up on the bone scan. 

Tomorrow he's having an xray of the right hand, and meanwhile his doctor wants to talk to a few other doctors before suggesting what to do next.

Besides the xray tomorrow, Shawn also has an appointment with his neurologist next Thursday.  Dr. C. doesn't like the exaggerated reflexes he sees in Shawn (hyperreflexia).  This has been around for awhile as well, initially the neurologist thought it was Myasthenia.  The neuromuscular specialist we saw didn't think that was likely given the EMG results.

So here we are still twisting this way and that on this complex journey.  


Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Oh Sheri... I'm so sorry. I am thinking about you. Thank you for all your support too.

Please keep me up to date on these new developments.

Jeffrey, Amy and Sophie said...

Hard to reconcile your journey with the notion of Thanksgiving this week. No doubt this has tested your ability to find the goodness and joy around us, but I hope that we all can find ways to recognize the blessing of having Shawn (and all the rest of you) in our lives. I know we will do our very best to be thankful that we have been able to get to know Shawn and to learn from his strength and courage. Love you, brother!