Shawn's back on a restricted diet this week - he needs three days before the next round of tests can begin. These tests include platelet serotonin, 24 hr urine serotonin, and chromogranin A.
The foods he must avoid are:
Foods - avocados, pineapples, bananas, kiwi fruit, plums, eggplants, walnuts, hickory nuts, pecans
Drugs - acetaminophen, coumaric acid, guaifenisin, mephenisin, phenobarbital, reserpine, acetanilid, ephedrine, methamphetamine, nicotine, phentolamine, phenmetrazine, caffeine, flourouracil, melphalan, methocarbamol, phenacetin, mesalamine* corticotrophin, ethanol, imiprimine, levodopa, MAO inhibitors, phenothiazines, aspirin, isoniazid, gentisic acid, methenamine, streptozotocin, heparin, methyldopa
Dear Shawn,
Brad and I have certainly been thinking about you a lot and your mom has kept us informed about what's going on. We both hope that you have answers soon and that you can resume the life of normalcy that you're desire at IU. We're thinking of you.
Love, Lori and Brad
PS-I should have previewed this Mr. English Major....Edit..."We both hope that you have answers soon and that you can resume the life of normalcy that you desire at IU."
Dear Shawn,
I just heard from your mother about what you are going through. I'm so sorry to hear that you are burdened with this. Sounds like you have a really great doctor, though, and will be returning to good health - hopefully sooner rather then later. You and your family are close in our thoughts.
Lots of love, and best wishes for a speedy diagnosis and recovery.
Janice, Stefan, Aleks, and Derek
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