Monday, September 29, 2008

L'Shanah Tova Tikatevu

For the non-Jewish readers among you, that's the equivalent of a "Happy New Year".  The Jewish new year isn't quite like the secular one - no midnight parties and champagne.  Rather, it's the beginning of a period of time for prayer and of reflection, self-evaluation and repentance, of renewal and turning to a new future.  

Tonight is the eve of this holiday; today was the beginning of a new round of testing for Shawn.  More blood tests today; urine tests to repeat while he's back at school.  New medication that might help both blood pressure and headaches.  In two weeks, he comes back to Chicago for a new CT scan and another doctor appointment at the headache clinic.  

On to much more positive happenings - this Wednesday night Shawn will be performing at a writer's night in Nashville, Tennessee.  You can hear a few of his songs at his website  Dave and I are driving down to Bloomington tomorrow after services, and will drive to Nashville with Shawn on Wednesday.    I'm really looking forward to it; it's been a few years since he's been in Nashville.  The last time he played at this particular place it was at open mic at the end of the evening - this time he has an actual spot on the program at 9:30.  

The real meaning of the Hebrew above is  - may you be inscribed (in the book of life) for a good year.  Which is my prayer to all of you and most especially to Shawn.